Why a Website About U S Patents?

Brian profile photo - Attorney for U S Patents

About Me

My name is Brian Bellamy, creator of Ven and this website about searching U S Patents, protecting inventions, and succeeding as an inventor. I'm a Patent Attorney, and I enjoy helping inventors to protect their inventions. More importantly, I want to help people bring their great ideas to the marketplace and profit from their inventions, especially when those ideas are beneficial to our world.

Technology is always advancing. The reason you work hard is to improve the lives of others and yourself. But, how can an invention benefit anyone if no one ever hears about it. The US patent system is meant to promote the progress of science and technology. Unfortunately, the process is expensive and risky, and getting U S Patents often yields little real fruit for new inventors.

Helping Inventors Succeed

I hate how expensive and time consuming the process for getting a patent is. In fact, I, myself, have always been cost conscious about starting a new business because I know how hard it can be to make ends meet while working toward financial success. Controlling costs is especially important for a start-up inventor or entrepreneur taking huge risks.

I have always had a passion for helping people make good decisions about getting U S Patents by explaining the process with the heart of a teacher. As a result, when I discovered the ease of building a website with Solo Build It, the inspiration for this website to help inventors was sparked.

My Brief Background

Technology is something that I love and it gives me great satisfaction to help other people improve our lives through invention. I started out as an engineer with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering. I decided to go into patent law after realizing how my combination of skills in speaking, writing, and engineering could be combined for a career that I enjoy.

I have worked with many entrepreneurs and inventors including everything from nanotechnology to farm machines to golf clubs. I have also worked with artists, writers, and musicians to bring their inspired works to the market.

I began as an registered patent attorney in 1994 after graduating from Walter F. George School of Law in Macon, GA. I started my own law practice after working as an summer clerk with a patent law firm and attending the Intellectual Property Summer Institute at Franklin Pierce Law Center. From that point forward, I began writing patent applications and helping others to protect their ideas with U S Patents. I have continued in private practice doing patent, trademark and copyright law work ever since.

Help for Novice Inventors

Over the years being a patent attorney, a particular frustration has developed in me concerning the need for a resource to help individuals truly understand the invention process and know the correct steps to take. That's why I started writing and adding to this website... to help answer my desire to educate inventors about the first step to success with inventions, a patent search.

I've found that oftentimes a good patent search helps determine the future course of an idea. The search for prior art such as patents, publications and technical disclosures provides the foundation for the proper dedication and allocation of time, money and energy.

The database of information available through patent search engines is enormous, and I believe that this data should be available to everyone without great expense. I hope that the tips, techniques and directions for patent search and invention development on this site will help you to take the next step to patenting your invention, and, most of all, profiting from your new ideas.

Thank you so much for visiting Inventions and Patents! Please feel free to send comments, questions or feedback. I'm always interested in knowing if the site has help you, or how it can be improved to offer even more help.



Registered Patent Attorney, #37,278

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