Tesla Inventions: book Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes Hardcover

by Ven

"Different Like Me" is a book about Autism that discusses how many of our great heroes in history, like inventor Nikola Tesla, were likely autistic. This book will inspire any young person who is struggling with their identity as an autistic person.

Autism is not a sentence to being left behind, as this book shows, many who embrace their differences become our greatest difference makers in our world because they possess unique talents and perspectives that others lack.

This book is especially good for inspiring young people between ages 8 and 12 to find their gifts and aspire to excel in life. Kids will find the colors and illustrations fun to study. This book celebrates what otherwise can cause children to feel left out or left behind.

This is an awesome book and a must read for families dealing with autism. It is a springboard to moving on to a higher level and flying above the fray of difficulties in life.

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Comments for Tesla Inventions: [book] Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes [Hardcover]

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Aug 09, 2011
Could Nikola Tesla Have Been Autistic?
by: Teej

This is amazing, and it makes sense. I wish we could really know if famous amazing folks like these were also challenged with autism.

Kids really do need this, not only autistic children, but ALL kids. This helps other kids without these challenges realize that while we may all be different, we are all special in our own way(s).

I have a few pages about Autism on my own site, and am excited to refer parents and educators to this page about Nikola Tesla.

Thank you!


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